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Jesus, what a clueless, imperialistic take on our relationship with our main trading partner!

Not one percent of us understand China's motives because our media refuse to publish and our government refuses to discuss China's complaints with their Ambassador. Here they ae:

1. Foreign investment decisions, with acquisitions blocked on opaque national security grounds in contravention of ChAFTA. Since 2018, more than 10 Chinese investment projects have been rejected by Australia citing ambiguous and unfounded "national security concerns" and restricting areas like infrastructure, agriculture and animal husbandry, while launching more than 100 anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations of Chinese products.

2. Banning Huawei Technologies and ZTE from the 5G network, over unfounded national security concerns, doing the bidding of the US by lobbying other countries, foreign interference legislation viewed as targeting China and in the absence of evidence.

3. Politicization and stigmatization of the normal exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia and creating barriers and imposing restrictions, including the revocation of visas for Chinese scholars.

4. Calling for an international independent inquiry into the COV1D-19 virus, as a political manipulation echoing the US attack on China.

5. Spearheading the crusade against China in multilateral forums.

6. Spreading disinformation imported from the US around China's efforts of containing COV1D-19.

7. Legislating scrutiny of agreements with a foreign government targeting China and aiming to torpedo Victoria’s participation in BRI.

8. Providing funding to anti-China think tanks for spreading untrue reports, peddling lies around Xinjiang and so-called China infiltration aimed at manipulating public opinion against China.

9. Early dawn search and reckless seizure of Chinese journalists' homes and properties without charges or explanations

10. Thinly veiled allegations against China of cyber attacks without any evidence

11. Outrageous condemnation of the governing party of China by NGOs

12. Racist attacks against Chinese and Asian people.

13. Unfriendly and antagonistic reports on China by media that poison the atmosphere of bilateral relations. The first non littoral country to make a statement on the South China Sea to the United Nations, siding with the US' anti-China campaign.

14. Incessant wanton interference in China's Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan affair.

China’s deputy ambassador to Australia, Wang Xining: “China is not a cow. I don’t think it would occur to anyone to milk China in its prime while plotting to kill it in the end.”

Paranoia over China, government, media, AFP collusion

By Stuart ReesApr 16, 2021

Chinese dragon feature pic

Credit - Unsplash

The High Court’s current deliberations about the legality of warrants issued last year to the AFP to search the home of John Zhang, part-time assistant to NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane, are the tip of a massive iceberg of government abuses of power.

John Zhang is a Chinese Australian. Mr Moselmane has Chinese Australian constituents, had been to China to deliver wheelchairs to a Shanghai orphanage and had complimented the Chinese government on its reaction to the Covid outbreak in Wuhan, activities which in police eyes made Shaoquett a person of interest.

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