Thank you for your note. I am unable to see the resulting report from Dragonfly Thinking. Is it possible for that to be shared by any chance?

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Sorry, it seems that the newsletter link might not be stable. This one should work: https://beijing2canberra.files.wordpress.com/2024/02/australias-relationship-with-china-rrr.ai-systems-map_feb24.pdf

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But even if removing the wine duties won’t on its own get China the kind of bilateral relationship it wants, leaving them in place is a sure-fire way to further dampen enthusiasm in Canberra for extra collaboration with Beijing.?

If I were Beijing, I would want nothing to do with Australia.

We have treated China disgracefully since 1944 even as they treated us generously and honestly.

And our censorship of news about China is unaltered since the 1950s, when I first encountered it.

Beijing would be better off without us.

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